Prof. Brigitte Steffen

Prof. Brigitte Steffen has been dealing with textile design, as well as the colouration and design of surfaces in ceramics, plastics and metal for interior concepts and consumer goods since she studied at the state academy of fine arts in Stuttgart. She teaches textile, material and surface design at the Hochschule Reutlingen and initiated the course of studies of Transportation Interior Design. In the scope of her research work, she is also dealing with human perception of materials and advises companies from the interior and automotive industries regarding material concepts and designs.
This is what her design approach is based on: "In all of my design concepts and ideas, I put myself into the position of the onlooker - human emotions are my most important source of inspiration. Discovering new things and giving people a new aspect within what they know is the basis of my work."

GRIFFWERK presented the first dedicated glass door portfolio in 2015. Brigitte Steffen is Professor for textile and material design at the Hochschule Reutlingen. She has supported product development from the beginning. Her conviction essentially characterised the collection. She supplemented the range with another theme group with her "TEXTURES" series designs, clearly representing her point of view: Refinements, such as prints, must change the material language.
"Materials are closer to raw materials today, and should be understood as such. Understanding them means entering into dialogue with them, exploring their design options and expanding on them. This gives these materials a new expressiveness!"
Prof. Brigitte Steffen
Glasart by Griffwerk
Another way of thinking glass
Prof. Brigitte Steffen was invited to the very first brainstorming sessions for the new glass door collection as well. She discarded the usual approaches with just a few words: "We need to stop thinking about glass and printed-on patterns. Printing methods can change the material quality. Glass and refinement methods combine into new material statements." This point of view characterised the entire design for the new range. With the TEXTURES collection, Brigitte Steffen implemented three designs that are likely setting the direction for a new view on glass door design: Rhombic, Silky Mesh and Achat.
Microstructures instead of large patterns
They are delicate designs that partially appear like fine textiles inside or superimposed on the surface. They change transparency and revoke the two-dimensional appearance of the glass surface. Some designs give the surface a new feel. Glass design acquires a tangible attraction and a new dimension of aesthetics. It corresponds to the contemporary trend in interior design, which goes towards authentic material qualities that can be experienced anew.
A new perspective
GRIFFWERK puts its portfolio's focus on beauty in detail. The claim starts with a selection of white glass in PURE WHITE as the basic material, and continues in the careful composition and combination of different further processing methods. Glass doors thus gain in brightness and depth by the elaborate "TWO SIDES" treatment. Bilaterally applied graphics make the designs particularly vivid, since the visual impression changes depending on the viewer's angle.
GRIFFWERK presents a total of 23 glass doors for the debut, summarised in several theme groups. The range goes from modern Luxury to Lines Forever to the matching doors for fittings in the R8-design. The Glasart collection can be ordered immediately.